Privacy Policy

Verify History Reports owns Please accept our Terms of Service to use this site. Our Terms and Conditions of Service govern your use of this website, along with the NMVTIS Disclaimer and Privacy Policy.


This legal agreement between Verify History Reports and you governs your use of our products and services, which are available on our website at verfiyhistoryreportscom. By using the website’s products or services, you agree to these terms.

We may add new terms, licences, and policies to these Terms at our discretion. We will email and publicly post a notice on the site if this happens. Do not use our Services if you disagree with these changes. After any modifications, using Carreportslab.commeans you agree to the new Terms.

We reserve the right to refuse service access for any reason, including noncompliance with these Terms.

Verify History Reports SERVICE DESCRIPTION

Vehicle History Reports Auto Auction Records Reports give automotive agents and used car buyers vital, real-time data. We also provide Vehicle Inspection Reports, VIN Decoders, and Recall Checks. Our Vehicle History Reports include NMVTIS data and lien and theft information not provided by NMVTIS. If the vehicle was auctioned, our Vehicle History Reports may include auto auction data. When the automobile was for sale, the auto auction website displayed images and details. Verify History Reports  Auto Auction Records Reports providing this information. Verify History Reports Vehicle Inspection Reports contain data from our inspectors.

These reports do not guarantee accuracy, timeliness, or completeness. It should only be used as a reference when buying a used car. Users risk dependency. Our reports are not liable for your purchases.


Users must be 13 years of age or older to utilize Verify History Reports services. Those under the age of 18 require parental or guardian consent, in which they agree to be restrained by these terms.


Verify History Reports requires Internet access and paid software. Sometimes upgrades and updates are needed. Our site may perform better with high-speed Internet. Your computer or gadget may not work with the services. If you cannot access the site or our services, we will not refund you.


We strive to offer uninterrupted service, but disruptions, omissions, inaccuracies, and delays may occur. Power outages or other interruptions may occur when you access Verify History Reports 's services through internet lines, cellular systems, or a publicly exchanged telephone network.


We may update our Service offerings at any moment to comply with regulations and stay current. Our system repairs or updates may limit or interrupt services.


Our Services cannot control content. Content belongs to the creator. Because of this, content may be offensive, unlawful, otherwise objectionable, inaccurate, untimely, or incorrect.


Our material is not liable. We are also not responsible for system-deleted or transferred data. Our Services may be limited at any time.


Any content on our services may be deleted or refused. Reports may be inaccurate or late. Verify History Reports  is not responsible for third party content and may access or distribute details.

  • To fulfill legal requirements.
  • Implement these service agreements
  • To prevent cyber attacks and technological issues
  • To help users
  • Protect Verify History Reports , users, and the public.
Verify History Reports may discontinue its Services or your use thereof at any time, with or without cause, in addition to changing these terms.
WHAT EXPECTS Verify History Reports FROM YOU

Our Services require a Verify History Reports account. Account transfers and unique registrations are usually not allowed.

  • Account information must match ID information. Accounts are for individuals or businesses. Additional costs may apply if you open another account. Transferring your account to a third party requires our explicit consent. An account in good standing can be transferred without our authorization.
  • We may discontinue or remove your account for any cause without notice. If we do, you won’t get a refund or anything else for the time that's left on your membership.
  • Delinquent accounts may be remedied.
  • If you break the rules of services or delay payment. Verify History Reports has the right to discontinue/terminate any account you or your business owns.
  • Hardware and software may be needed to access and manage electronic records. You agree to our terms and conditions of service and pay for dealings on by submitting data. Cancellation notices, contacts, applications, and policies
  • comwill not be your lone vehicle buying guide.
  1. Payment Agreement
  • Our prices and availability may change at any time.
  • Our Services require a paid account. Visit our Services page for fees.
  • Our billing and fees may change at any time. Verify History Reports ’s Terms of Service allow monthly subscribers 30 days notice.
  • Cancel your membership anytime. Account costs are not refunded or prorated. Sales tax may be added.
  • Account holders pay all charges. Even illegal, fraudulent, and unauthorized purchases and payments are included. Contact us immediately if you think your account has been compromised.
  • You are responsible for any third-party charges on

The rights to Verify History Reports and the services we own are protected by US and international intellectual property laws. You agree not to copy, modify, or create derivative works from our services. You will not copy or monitor our content, either manually or automatically.

You can’t use our logos, service marks, trade names, or other parts of our brand without our permission. Verify History Reports Rights does not include any third-party content in our services. We are not responsible for the content you publish to our website, either directly or through a third party. You're responsible for securing your IP (intellectual property). You give Auto Report Lab the right to use the content you upload to our services anywhere in the world, without paying any fees or royalties. We decide what goes on in our services.

Our Privacy Policy allows us to use any self-reported information. We may also give third parties and call centers this information. If you provide your phone number, we, third parties, and call centers can contact you. If you don’t want to be called, don’t submit.


Verify History Reports services are provided from offices throughout the United States. Our services indicate that you concede with all statutes, regulations, and ordinances.

We may enforce this agreement’s terms of service by any means necessary. Verify History Reports must follow all legal procedures. You give Verify History Reports the right to share any information you give them with city agencies, law enforcement agencies, or anyone else who needs to know it for compliance reasons.

  1. NO Penalty FOR THIRD PARTY CONTENT OR WEBSITES and linked websites are not responsible for third-party material. Report timeliness, accuracy, and completeness are not guaranteed. Third party reports ' quality and data, timeliness, and completeness are not our responsibility. This includes information about the condition, marketability, protection, quality, merchantability, privilege history, and accident history of any passenger vehicle, or data organized in or skipped from any state's or Canadian province’s ownership or registration paperwork. We are not liable for your use of third-party materials or purchases based on them.


You agree that we may discontinue our Services occasionally and cancel them without notice.

  • We make no warranties, including those of merchantability, non-infringement, fitness for a specific purpose, or title. Your jurisdiction may prohibit implied warranty exclusion. Carreportslab.comand our transmissions of vehicle information do not give warranties. This includes vehicle history reports, auto auction records, our VIN decode, reports, vehicle inspection reports, and vehicle recall check services. We do not approve, certify, authorize, authenticate, or otherwise, represent the authenticity, timeliness, or completeness of any car, vehicle ownership document, or vehicle registration document given by our Services or a third-party source. Other data, such as whether a car was dismantled, junked, salvaged, rebuilt, reconstructed, tampered with, or damaged may be inaccurate.
  • Verify History Reports is not accountable for damages caused by using or not using this material. When buying a car, Carreportslab. comreports are risky.
  • Verify History Reports and its affiliates are not liable for indirect, special, consequential, or punitive damages of any kind, including loss of use, data, or profits, whether in an action in contract, tort, or that arises out of or is in any way associated with:
    • An inability to use, its content, or its services.
    • Errors and omissions in’s software, products, and services
    • Costs of website-purchased products and services.
    • Illegal access and data alteration
    • Third-party content on our site
    • Performance issues or delays caused by force majeure
    • Other Carreportslab.commatters, including those advised by Auto Report Lab and its representatives

Any dissatisfaction with, including a report, may only be resolved by discontinuing use. The limitation of liability implied warranties, and exclusion or limitation of certain damages may be prohibited by your local laws. This liability limitation may not apply. We will not exceed $100 in cases where responsibility would have been limited.

  • We are not liable for any loss or damage you may cause or suffer, including those that may result from your reliance on a Carreportslab.comreport when buying a vehicle.

You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold Verify History Reports and its affiliates harmless from any claim arising from your breach of this agreement. How you use our services and any reports or actions Verify History Reports may take due to research of potential or actual agreement violations by using our services

  • Nonexperts:

Verify History Reports vehicle inspectors are not experts. Vehicle inspections are not their specialty. Reports are based on a layperson’s inspection and opinion without a test drive. Verify History Reports  is not liable for damages caused by using or not using this information.

  • Unguaranteed Reports:

Verify History Reports inspections are unguaranteed. It may be inaccurate, late, or incomplete. Since we rarely take possession of vehicles, we cannot guarantee that no changes will be made after our inspection.

  • Authorized Communications:

Inspectors cannot be contacted. Only those who place orders can contact us about their Scope of Order. We are not required to disclose any non-order-related information or facts.

  • Order Fulfillment Policy:

We aim to deliver your report within four business days. Due to volume and other factors, we cannot guarantee this timeline.

We will not issue refunds for orders canceled after an inspector begins an order to implement an order. If an order is canceled before an inspector begins implementation.

We will refund 50% of the order price. The inspector must make an appointment with the vehicle owner/seller or arrive at the property where the vehicle is located to implement the order.

  • Title to Goods or Property:

The use of subcontractors does not guarantee vehicle ownership. We reserve the right, at our discretion, to subcontract our services.

  • Maximum Inspection Time:

Our inspector will inspect your vehicle for 15 minutes at most. Except for approved custom orders that require more time for inspection.

  • No Shows:
  • If our inspector contacts the owner and schedules the inspection, you will be charged the full fee. Even if the seller doesn’t show up for the inspection, we’ll still charge. Entry.
  • Upon Private Property: If we need to enter private property to complete your order, you must obtain consent and confirm it. We are not liable for any costs or losses incurred when entering private property to complete your order.
  • No Grant:

Our services are only available in the US. We do not guarantee any of our third-party services or products. We do not use your self-reported information to sell services or products in jurisdictions where they are illegal.


We may change our terms of service or services. Continued use of our services indicates acceptance of these changes.


Our Service notifications are immediate and sent to your account contact email address. We may also send you a letter by mail to the address you provided in your account contact information.


These terms of service (construction, validity, and interpretation) are governed by Florida law. Any actions, lawsuits, or proceedings related to these Terms of Service must be filed in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Parties give up any objections to the agreed-upon venue in any such suit, action, or proceeding, as far as the law lets them. The final judgment from any such suit, action, or proceeding brought in any such court is legally binding and enforceable in any court to which the party is subject to jurisdiction.


The remaining parts of these Terms of Service will remain in force if any part is invalid or unenforceable. Our Terms of Service govern your use of our Services, any prior agreements, and superseding them. If we don’t enforce a provision or right in the Terms of Service, it doesn’t negate it. When you use affiliate services or software, or third-party content, you may agree to their terms. We are not liable for non-controllable events.


We may use any site feedback you submit


The National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS) holds data on US-titled vehicles. NMVTIS provides identification and brand history for cars, but not repair history.

NMVTIS receives data from states, insurance companies, and junk and salvage yards. NMVTIS does not yet have data on all US motor vehicles because some states have not provided their data. Some states report and update NMVTIS data in “real-time” (as title transactions occur), while others send updates once a day or every few days.

If the vehicle was never declared a total loss or branded by a state titling agency, the system may not include significant vehicle damage information. An insurance carrier must report a total loss” even if the vehicle’s titling-stat-estate has not declared it “salvage” or “junk.”

Vehicle history reports are not independent vehicle inspections. Consumers should get an independent vehicle inspection before buying a car to make sure it doesn’t have hidden damage. Vehicle condition data from non-NMVTIS sources can be included by Approved NMVTIS Data Providers (look for the logo)

Data From NMVTIS-Reporting Entities Include:

  • Titling data from participating states
  • Details on cars, trucks, motorcycles, buses, recreational vehicles, tractors, and motor homes. If commercial vehicles are not in a state’s primary title record database (in some states, they are managed by a separate state agency), NMVTIS may add them later.
  • State motor vehicle titling organizations provide vehicle “brand” information. Brand types and descriptions vary by state but may reveal vehicle condition or history.
  • The state’s title record’s most recent odometer reading
  • Insurance companies and auto recyclers, including junk and salvage yards, must report information to the system starting March 31, 2009. The insurance company’s “total loss” determination will be included.
  • Junk and salvage yards receive “cash for clunker” vehicles traded-in under the Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save Act of 2009 (CARS) Program.

Visit for information on how to use the system and understand the labels applied to vehicles by participating state motor vehicle titling organizations or agencies.


Verify History Reports obtains lien information from the National Vehicle Service (NVS) database for Vehicle History Reports. NVS records may be incomplete, late, or inaccurate. This data is not guaranteed. NVS database information in reports is at your own risk.

Verify History Reports DISCLAIMER

Our Vehicle Inspection Reports may not be complete, timely, or accurate. Unless we agree in writing when you order, we do not perform appraisals or give value opinions. Verify History Reports  is not liable for damages caused by using or not using this information. Carreportslab.comreports are not guaranteed.


VIN Decoder, Vehicle Recalls, and Auto Auctions Check are free

  • VIN Decoder:

Our VIN decoder validates coded information and displays Model Year, Make, Model, Trim, Country of Manufacture, Engine Type, and Body Style. VIN decoding is not guaranteed. Verify History Reports is not liable for damages caused by using or not using this information. Your reliance on any information received by utilizing our VIN Decoder is at your entire risk

Vehicle Recalls Check:

Our vehicle recalls check analyses the year, make, and model of a vehicle to find open recalls on specific automobiles. The check uses NHTSA data “as is” (NHTSA). Federal legislation requires free recall repairs. Recalls, except tire recalls, are lifetime. DOT updates recall information weekly. We are not responsible for the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of such material. Verify History Reports  is not accountable for damages caused by using or not using this material. Vehicle Recall Checks are at your own risk.

  • Contact your vehicle manufacturers for recall information. NHTSA Auto Safety Hotline: 1-888-DASH-2-DOT [1-888-327-4236].
  • Auto Auctions Check

Our auto auctions check to enter a VIN to check if a vehicle has been auctioned. We cannot guarantee its accuracy, timeliness, or completeness. Get one free vehicle snapshot after our VIN Decoder verifies the VIN. Verify History Reports  is not accountable for damages caused by using or not using this material. Auto Auction Checks are at your own risk.


This Agreement is established between Verify History Reports and the subscribing partner and forms the terms and conditions for the partner use of the Carreportslab.comDealer or Reseller. According to the terms of this program, Auto Report Lab  will provide the partner with NMVTIS Vehicle History Reports for resale as specified in the agreements.

  1. Payment & Fees
  • Verify History Reports allows the partners to buy reselling quantities of its services for personal use or resale.
  • The partner prepays non-expiring report credits, with the cost of each purchase determined by the quantity purchased.
  • Verify History Reports may charge any taxes, transaction fees, or other fees to cover the costs of delivering payment.
  • Payments paid to Verify History Reports are non-refundable, except for the following circumstances: If any of the following apply: (a) an accidental payment; (b) a written agreement between us; (c) unused credits may be refunded within 30 days of payment.
  • Verify History Reports reserves the right to modify its pricing structure without prior notice. Both parties will have the option to reimburse any unused credit payments at that time.
  1. NMVTIS Requirements
  • To ensure adequate technical and sales support to end users, the partner’s eligibility to begin marketing and reselling services to the general public is subject to testing, auditing, and approval by Carreportslab.comand the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators.
  • The partner agrees that any agreements it may enter into with vendors or sub-partners to provide NMVTIS Consumer Access will include a provision stating that vendors of this type will be subject to AAMVA audit.
  • No NMVTIS data shall be owned by the partner. The partner will be exempt if he or she obtains separate authorization.
  • The partner agrees to prominently display the NMVTIS Consumer Access Disclaimer to all eligible users. This includes any changes to this disclaimer that are provided.,
  1. Partnerships
  • Partner is an independent contractor who purchases Carreportslab.comproducts for its use or to resell to customers. The partner has no authority to act as our agent or legal representative or to bind or commit on our behalf.
  • The partner is not authorized to make commitments on behalf of Verify History Reports regarding quantity, delivery, revisions, interface capability, software appropriateness, or suitability for certain applications.
  • The partner is not authorized to make any representations on behalf of Verify History Reports regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of any report or information provided by Carreportslab.comfor resale.
  • Verify History Reports is not responsible for any damages caused by the use or non-use of this information.
  • The partner will not represent itself as’s agent or branch in any way. The partner will cease immediately any representation or business practice that we deem to be deceptive or misleading.
  1. Duration, Restrictions, Expiration
  • This agreement is effective upon acceptance and shall remain in effect until either the partner or Carreportslab.comterminates it as provided in this agreement.
  • Either Carreportslab.comor the partner may terminate this agreement at any time, with or without cause, by providing the other party with written notice. Neither the expiration nor an earlier termination of this Agreement will relieve either party of any obligation that has accrued as of the termination date.
  • commay provide written notice of modifications to this Agreement to the partner. Such amendments will automatically become a part of this Agreement seven days after the date of the notice unless the notice specifies otherwise.
  1. Product Alterations
  • comdoes not guarantee that it will continue to offer a specific product or service indefinitely or for a particular time frame. Carreportslab.comreserves the right to modify any specifications or features of its products, to withdraw any product from the market, and/or to discontinue providing or supporting any product at any time.
  • The partner is encouraged to publicize and promote the sales of’s products through any suitable media. This includes trade show displays, catalogs and direct mail, advertising in space, educational meetings, sales aids, web advertising, etc. Carreportslab.commust authorize the use of its name or trademarks in all such materials.
  1. Liability Limitation
  • comshall under no circumstances, including claims of infringement, be liable to the partner or any other party for re-acquisition costs, profits or lost revenue, or any other special, incidental, or consequential damages. This includes even if Carreportslab.comhas been advised of such probable loss or harm
  • The partner promises to indemnify, defend, and hold Carreportslab.comand its affiliates free from any liability, claim, or loss coming from the partner’s connection to or provision of information from NMVTIS or any other applicable third party. This indemnity shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.
  • comand the partner shall not be liable to any party for any delay or failure to perform any obligation or event caused by force majeure, storm, fire, casualty, work stoppage, equipment failure, riot, national emergency, the act of government, the act of a public enemy, or other similar or dissimilar circumstances beyond its or their control.
  1. Use of Carreportslab.comLLC Trademarks
  • comowns all rights, titles, and interests to the Carreportslab.comnames and logotypes.
  • Under this Agreement, its activities under it, or any relationship with, the partner will acquire no interest in any such trademarks or trade names.
  • The partner, who may indicate to the public that it is an “Authorized Partner” during the term of this Agreement, may also use’s trademarks and trade names to promote and solicit sales or licensing of Carreportslab.comproducts, so long as it does so strictly under’s approval.
  • Upon termination of this Agreement, the Partner shall immediately cease all use of the product and’s names and trademarks.

  1. Confidential Information
  • comand the partner shall each exercise reasonable care to maintain the confidentiality of and not disclose to a third party any proprietary information provided by the other on a confidential basis and identified as such when provided. As used in this paragraph, “due diligence” refers to the same precautions and standard of care that the party uses to protect its confidential information, but not less than reasonable care. The terms of this Section will survive the termination of the Agreement for five years. Except as permitted by this Agreement, neither party shall utilize such information without the other party’s approval.
  • This Agreement grants no license under any patents or other intellectual property rights that Carreportslab.comowns, manages, or possesses licenses to use.
  1. Legal Compliance

Carreportslab.comwill not be liable for any liabilities or damages that the partner causes by not following this condition. The partner will pay for them, defend them, and hold them responsible. The partner also says that it will follow all laws and rules when doing business.


Within seven days of your purchase, you may submit a request for a partial or full refund of your car history report if you are not completely satisfied. If the request for a refund is not accepted within this timeframe, you will not be entitled to a refund. Note that it is at your own risk to rely on any vehicle history data when acquiring a vehicle. We are not responsible for any purchases you make based on our reports.

Valid Refund Cause

  • You have received a blank report
  • You are unable to access your report and receive an error message.
  • You were billed twice for the identical report.
  • Unacceptable refund grounds
  • Errors in a report
  • Incomplete report
  • Untimely account

To seek a refund, please complete the form below and send the following details:

  • Subject: Refund request
  • Your email
  • Vehicle VIN
  • The cause behind the refund
  • Your Title
  • Your Last Name
  • Buying date